Viborg Municipality offers different childcare options. All children from the age of 24 weeks and until they start school are entitled to daycare.

It is not possible to enroll your child in daycare until they and their parents have a CPR number and a registered address in Viborg Municipality.

Daycare is not free. The cost depends on the daycare option you choose, and it is charged on a monthly basis. If you have more than one child in daycare, you qualify for a discount. Read more about the different daycare tariffs or contact Viborg Municipality’s daycare unit on 87 87 10 88 for more detailed information.

Daycare in Viborg Municipality is divided into five districts.

Daycare options

For children between 24 weeks and 2 years and 11 months. Together with typically three other children, your child will be looked after by a childminder is her/his own home. The childminder is approved by, registered with and employed by Viborg Municipality.

For children between 24 weeks and 2 years and 11 months. The nursery is staffed by trained kindergarten teachers and assistant kindergarten teachers.

For children between 3 and 6 years (or when they start school). Kindergartens are staffed by trained kindergarten teachers and assistant kindergarten teachers.

The international kindergarten group at Bulderby Kindergarten offers daycare for children who are expected to continue their schooling at an international school either in Denmark or abroad. The international kindergarten is staffed by trained kindergarten teachers and assistance kindergarten teachers.

Danish culture and educational values are combined with English language skills.

Evening care

Limited evening care is available. Please contact Viborg Municipality for availability.

For detailed information on the different kinds of daycare available in Viborg Municipality and whom to contact see Børnepasning 0-6 år at