Information about living in Viborg Municipality covering everything from arriving, accommodation and transport to healthcare childcare and schools as well as Danish traditions.
When moving to Viborg Municipality, certain formalities need to be in order and certain things need to be sorted out. Don’t forget to deregister if leaving Denmark permanently.
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Children and family
Information about everything from support when pregnant, childcare and schools to relationships.
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Danish culture and traditions
Exploring the Danish culture and traditions may give you an understanding of why certain things are the way they are and why Danes behave the way they do.
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Health and emergency
The yellow health insurance card is your proof that you are entitled to the free health care services under the Danish health care system.
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A network of roads, buses, trains, ferries and planes connect all parts of Denmark locally, regionally and nationally.
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Your home
Practical matters to consider and do when looking for somewhere to live and when moving.